AUDIOQUEST MacKenzie terminated RCA Neutrik ProFi

Pair of custom terminated signal cables with Neutrik ProFi RCA connectors | Copper PSC+ conductors | Gold-plated contacts

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Pair of cables handcrafted in our workshop with 4 NEUTRIK ProFi connectors 24K gold-plated and soldered with CARDAS silver tin

Available lengths selectable from drop-down menu.

The MacKenzie is the product of the application of advanced design techniques and superior materials.

Cable sold in custom terminated pairs with Neutrik ProFi connectors in all sizes

DESIGN CONCEPTS: The MacKenzie is a 3 times balanced cable. This means that there are three identical, insulated solid core conductors in addition to an additional (separate) multi-wire conductor connected to the shield throughout the cable, so that the shield itself can be connected effectively. When used with XLR connectors and balanced electronics, the two positive signals, and the negative, use the same low-distortion path. The shield is connected to the chassis ground of the XLR connector, providing extremely effective isolation without contaminating the quality of the negative conductor. When used with RCA connectors, two conductors are used together to counteract the high potential of the negative conductor, providing in each case, a substantial improvement in performance. The shield is connected at one end only, providing total protection, without compromising the conductive path of the negative conductor.

CONDUCTORS: All conductors of the MacKenzie are solid copper and use perfect surface copper PSC+.

PSC+ (Perfect Surface Copper) has a surprisingly soft and pure surface.
Patented technologies protect the surface of the cable during each processing step.
When high-purity copper with little oxidation is kept soft, pure and gentle, it becomes a wonderfully distortion-free conductor.
PSC + is a proprietary technology, which evolves the already outstanding PSC to the highest level by adopting even purer copper

Any solid material adjacent to a conductor makes a circuit imperfect.
Cable insulation, as well as circuit plates, cause energy absorption (loss).
Part of this energy is released in the form of distortion.
It is common practice to classify insulation materials, taking into account the signal loss they cause, without regard to distortion.

The insulating material of the Mackenzie's conductor is made of Foam processed to be as uniform as possible.

100% shielding is relatively simple to achieve.
Preventing RF interference requires Audioquest's Noise-Dissipation System.
The metallic and carbon-filled materials in the shielding prevent most RF noise from reaching the system's earth.