Analogue Stereo signal cable terminated with 3.5mm Mini Jack connectors | PSC+ Copper conductors | Silver-plated contacts

As low as € 211,00 Regular Price € 249,00
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Stereo cable with cold-soldered 3.5mm Jack connectors with Pure Silver plating on Purple Copper and Copper Conductors with More Than Perfect Surface (PSC+)

Available lengths selectable from drop-down menu.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge is the tallest and widest steel arch bridge in the world, and the fifth longest. The 'pretext' (nickname for the bridge) is right behind the Sydney Opera House for worldwide recognition as a symbol of Sydney and a symbol for all of Australia. An organised 'Bridge Climb' is offered many times a day to the top of the bridge, which offers a truly exceptional and stunning view of Sydney Harbour from 134 metres (440 ft) above the water.


SOLID COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH MORE THAN PERFECT SURFACE (PSC+): Solid conductors prevent both electrical and magnetic wire-to-wire interaction, the main sources of distortion. The quality of the surface is crucial because a conductor can be regarded as a guide for both the fields inside a conductor and the magnetic fields extending outside the conductor. The extraordinarily smooth and pure surface of all Perfect-Surface metals from AudioQuests almost eliminates roughness and significantly increases sharpness compared to smaller materials. The extremely high purity Perfect-Surface copper + further minimises distortion caused by grain boundaries, which exist within any metal conductor, almost eliminating roughness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other branches.

ASYMMETRICAL DOUBLE BALANCE GEOMETRY: designed for single-ended applications, asymmetrical double balance geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both ground and shield, dual-balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance.

POLYETHYLENE AIR TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Insulation materials in cables and circuit boards absorb energy. Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. AudioQuest, however, uses polyethylene air tube insulation on both conductors, for greater geometry stabilisation and clarity. Because air absorbs almost no energy and polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile, polyethylene air tube insulation, with its high air content, causes much less out-of-focus effect common with other materials.

3-LAYER CARBON-BASED NOISE DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy to achieve. Preventing captured radio interference (RFI) from the modulation of the equipment ground reference requires QA's Noise Dissipation System (NDS). Conventional shielding systems typically absorb and then discharge noise/ RF energy to component ground, modulating and distorting the critical 'reference' ground plane, which in turn causes signal distortion. Alternating layers of metal NDS and carbon-filled synthetics 'shield the screen', absorbing and reflecting most of this noise / RF energy before it reaches the grounded layer.

COLD-SOLDERED CONNECTORS WITH SILVER PLUGS DIRECTLY OVER PURE COPPER: This plug design allows a solder-free connection, which is a common source of distortion. Since the ground shells are moulded rather than machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion rather than machinability. Purple-Copper offers a cleaner and clearer sound than the nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in connectors from competing manufacturers. Direct-Silver plating offers another important step towards greater clarity and no signal damage.


  • Metal: Solid Copper PSC+
  • Geometry: Asymmetrical Double Balanced (Low Earth Impedance, Same Conductor Quality + and - )
  • Dielectric: Polyethylene air tubes
  • Noise Dissipation: 3-layer carbon-based
  • Silver-plated terminations cold-soldered directly onto pure purple copper