5 ml pack of hi-tech lubricant for the turntable centre pivot. Keeps bearings smooth

Prezzo più basso negli ultimi 30gg : € 16
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5 ml pack of hi-tech lubricant for the platter/turntable centre pivot. Keeps bearings smooth for perfect playback

Reduces friction and maintains pin lubrication

How to use Lube it

A turntable is a delicate instrument and needs proper care. The motor moves the platter and the lubrication of the bearings wears out over time. This is due to many factors, such as climate and humidity. For this reason, we cannot give a recommended time for changing the lubrication. The best thing is to keep it constantly lubricated. With Lube it you can keep the turntable bearings smooth for perfect playback. It is recommended to keep the turntable constantly in motion, as this ensures a smooth bearing. However, this leads to abrasion of the metal, so it is necessary to change the lubrication more often. Regarding the amount of lubricant to be used, we can only recommend using the amount you feel is right. It cannot be too much, in the worst case you will have to wipe the turntable clean of lubricant to keep it clean.

Use Lube it only for turntables such as Elemental, Primary, T-Line, Essential, Debut, The Classic, Juke Box & X1/X2. For inverted bearings such as RPM Line, Xtension and Signature Line, use Grease it.