Pair of RCA-RCA Analogue Signal Cables | Copper PSC+ | No Characteristic Impedance | Silver-plated contacts

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Pair of PSC+ Copper RCA-RCA Analogue Signal Cables. No Impedance Characteristic. Dielectric: Polypropylene Air Tubes. 6% Silver Plated RF Drain Wires

Available lengths selectable from drop-down menu.

AudioQuest's Mythical Horses, Black Beauty and Pegasus bring the proven benefits of ZERO-Tech to a much wider audience.

Most of the deliciously obvious sonic advantages of ZERO-Tech and the other refinements that enable Mythical Creatures (ThunderBird, FireBird and Dragon) are equally evident when listening through Mythical Horses.

The upper Mythics have two or three separate constructions visible from the outside. Although necessarily complex, Black Beauty and Pegasus encapsulate all that ZERO-Tech goodness in single round cables (smaller for the 2-conductor RCA versions, somewhat larger for the 3-conductor XLR versions).

Like Black Beauty, Pegasus features direction-controlled PSC+ (Solid Perfect-Surface Copper+) conductors, carbon/graphene mesh, copper-plated connector housings and silver-plated red copper conductors. In addition, to further reduce distortion and dissipate RF noise, Pegasus increases the silver content of its RF drainage cables from 0.5% to 6%.

As with Mythical Creatures, the RCA version of Pegasus uses a single 72v DBS package. In the XLR version, to maintain the integrity of the ZERO-Tech system, a Dual-DBS package (2x 72v) is used.

ZERO-Tech (no characteristic impedance) for wide bandwidth linear noise dissipation
The only way to avoid the effects of characteristic impedance mismatch between a cable and its connected source and load circuits is to prevent the cable from having a characteristic impedance. ZERO-Tech succeeds by eliminating the electrostatic field between the high and low signal conductors of the cable, allowing dissipation of linear (octave-to-octave coherent) radio frequency (RF) noise and uncompressed transients. To preserve ZERO-Tech's complete isolation between signal conductors, a Dual-72v DBS package is included for the Pegasus, ThunderBird, FireBird and Dragon XLR cables.

Perfect-Surface Copper+ (PSC+) Solid Conductors.
Solid conductors prevent electrical and magnetic interaction of the strands. PSC+ Solid-Copper minimises distortion caused by grain boundaries and maximises linear RF noise dissipation.

Polypropylene Air Hoses
Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit and will absorb energy, some of which is stored and then released as distortion. For designs requiring a small diameter, AudioQuest uses polypropylene air tube insulation. Because air absorbs almost no energy and polypropylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile, polypropylene air tube insulation, with its high air content, causes much less of the blurring effect common to other materials

Level 6 noise dissipation (interconnections): ZERO technology + DBS 72V + carbon/graphene mesh network + direction controlled
Radio frequency noise from mobile phones, Wi-Fi and satellites is everywhere. AQ's Level 6 linear noise dissipation includes a resistive carbon/graphene mesh network, controlled-direction conductors, 72V DBS and silver-plated drain wires, which greatly reduce the masking effects of RF noise.

6% silver-plated RF drain wires.
Silver-plated RF drain wires with controlled direction also ensure correct and efficient dissipation of RF-induced noise for a clearer, more natural sound.

Copper-plated RF-drainage connector enclosure
Copper-plated, grounded cylinders maximise noise dissipation by preventing the metal housing from capacitively coupling RF to the conductors.

Hanging Silver on Red Copper Connectors
AudioQuest's best connectors feature superior hanging silver (not tumbled) directly on extremely pure red copper to ensure uncompromising signal transfer.

  • Metals: Solid copper with more than perfect surface (PSC+)
  • Technology: ZERO-Tech No impedance characteristic
  • Ground reference: all cables have separate ground reference conductors plus one signal conductor for RCA and two for XLR
  • Dielectric: Polypropylene air tubes
  • Noise Dissipation: ZERO-Tech + Graphene/Carbon + DBS 72V
  • Housing Connectors: 6% Silver-plated RF drain wires and Copper-plated housing
  • Cold-welded connectors: Silver-plated Red Copper