AUDIOQUEST ROCKET 88 terminated Banana Silver Bi-Wire

Pair of factory terminated Acoustic Speaker Cables | Solid Copper PSC+ | Conductor cross-section: 2x3.31mmq | Single Bi-Wire

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Pair of Power Cables for Boxed Acoustic Speakers, factory terminated with AudioQuest 507 Silver, Silver-plated banana plugs. New DBS Level-X

Single Bi-Wire (SBW) version

Available lengths: 2.5 and 3.0 metres selectable from drop-down menu. All other sizes available to order


CONDUCTORS: The 8 conductors of which Rocket 88 is composed are SOLID CORE.

The interaction between conductors within a conventional cable is the biggest cause of distortion, often resulting in a CRUD, DIRTY and CONFUSED sound. The use of solid conductors gives the Rocket 88 cable an extremely clear sound. Whether the cable is SOLID or FLEXIBLE, the skin effect is a primary mechanism for generating distortion in audio cables. AudioQuest, with the Rocket 88 cable, keeps this problem at bay by using conductors structured in such a way that they remain below the threshold of distortion generation audible to the human ear.

METALS: PSC/PSC+ (Perfect Surface Copper/Perfect Surface Copper+). Rocket 88 uses a carefully refined and optimised combination of Perfect Surface Copper with the extremely high purity of Perfect Surface Copper+. The extraordinarily smooth and pure combination of PSC+ and PSC significantly eliminates stringiness and dramatically increases clarity. The Rocket 88's conductor mix is dominated by PSC+.

GEOMETRY: The relationships between conductors influence the basic parameters of a cable (inductance and capacitance). Nevertheless, while keeping these variables correctly balanced, the relationships between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly influence the sound. The Rocket 88's spiral construction allows for much better dynamic contrast, coupled with greater intelligibility than could have been achieved by letting the conductors run in parallel.

CARBON INSULATION - NOISE DISPERSION: The Rocket 88's four negative conductors are insulated with partially conductive carbon polyethylene. This material significantly attenuates noise with a benefit in dimensionality and spatiality.

All insulation is also a dielectric whose electrical properties affect signal integrity. When the isolation is unbiased, dielectric involvement (non-linear absorption and release of energy in the signal flow) causes different amounts of time delay (phase shift) for different frequencies and energy levels. AudioQuest's multi-patented DBS creates a strong and stable electrostatic field that saturates and polarises (organises) the insulation molecules. This minimises non-linear time delays, resulting in clearer sound emerging from a ‘blacker’ background. The Level-X RF trap (a technology developed for AudioQuest's Niagara series of power products) in the DBS battery pack ‘pulls’ RF noise out of the cable, preventing RF from infiltrating the electronics. DBS Pack batteries last about 10 years. Use the test button to check the condition.

SST (spread spectrum technology): Each individual conductor shape or size has its own distortion profile.
Although solid conductors have the best characteristics, each size has its own signature.
The SST method was introduced to find the right combination of conductors (combination of shapes and sizes) to put together in order to obtain only advantages and no disadvantages from the use of solid conductors.In other words, the use of SST technology made it possible to find the maximum size with which it was possible to produce the Rocket 44 cable without triggering the dreaded skin effect at audible levels.

  • Metal: 100% solid copper PSC+
  • Cross-section: 2x3.31mmq
  • Geometry: double star-quad
  • Dielectric: Polyethylene foam
  • New 72v dielectric polarisation system with Level-X radio frequency trap (DBS)
  • Jacket: Black/Green