Cavo per Subwoofer Schermato terminato RCA in scatola | Conduttori in Rame Solido a Grana Lunga placcati argento al 6.1%
€ 310,00
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Cavo RCA per Subwoofers Attivi. Nuovo in scatola

Disponibile da 4.5 metri. Altre misure su richiesta

I Bassi sono il fondamento di tutta la musica. Il Subwoofer è in grado di riprodurre le armoniche con un effetto profondo non solo sul basso, ma su strumenti che non penseremmo mai potessero aver bisogno di un rinforzo sui bassi, come la voce femminile ed i violini. La prossima volta che avete la possibilità di ascoltare una voce femminile solista, provate a sentire la differenza una volta con il subwoofer e una volta senza. Ascoltate ciò che accade. Il cavo Sub-3 è stato progettato per non permettere distorsioni del segnale in modo che i bassi vengano trasmessi con toni chiari e armoniche precise.

Il cavo SUB-3 utilizza due identici semiconduttori al 6,1% di argento solido a configurazione simmetrica. Per minimizzare la distorsione il conduttore negativo è identico a quello positivo. La sua schermatura totale lo rende immune da qualsiasi interferenza indesiderata. L'isolamento del conduttore interno, garantito da un foam di polietilene, minimizza ogni perdita di segnale.
Il rame placcato in argento al 6,1% fornisce prestazioni superiori nell'utilizzo di audio e video digitale, esaltando l'articolazione e l'intellegibilità delle informazioni a basse frequenze.

Caratteristiche Tecniche:

  • 36v DBS Field Elements
  • Chassis Ground Wire
  • 6.1% Silver Conductors
  • PE Air Tubes

    Lunghezza disponibile: 4,5 metri

Informazioni Tecniche (In inglese):


Silver-Plated Copper always provides superior performance for video and digital audio. Unfortunately when used for full-range analog audio, the discontinuity of silver plating over copper causes high frequencies to sound edgy and harsh. However, when used only for subwoofer frequencies, Silver-Plated Copper's "artificial edge" actually enhances the articulation and intelligibility of low-frequency information. Do not use AudioQuest's Silver-Plated Copper subwoofer cables for full-range audio. POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of Sub-3’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials.

DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1)

All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check.


The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Sub-3 cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor.


This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact.  The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. XLR plugs are also available.


Sometimes there is a hum problem unless the subwoofer and AV receiver (or surround-sound processor) are attached to each other using a separate wire. If your system has a hum problem, try attaching the little spade-lug tails to the metal chassis of the subwoofer amplifier and to the chassis of the sending component. Usually, this extra wire will not be needed.