VAN DEN HUL D-352 Jumpers BFA o P-10M

Four Bridges/Jumpers for Speakers | Silver-plated Copper and Carbon | Conductor cross-section: 5.23mmq | Length 15cm

€ 113,00
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Four Acoustic Loudspeaker Jumpers/Jumpers handcrafted in our workshop with AUDIOQUEST Crimp-BFA Banana or P-10M Spade Connectors

Available in the following configurations by selecting the option below the drop-down menu:

  • Banana-Banana
  • Banana>Fork
  • Fork>Banana
  • Fork-Fork

Available lengths selectable from drop-down menu.

Jumper length 15 cm.

Two-core Silver and Carbon Plated Copper cable, cross-section 5.23 sq. mm per pole

Available in customised sizes


The two conductors of the D-352 Hybrid consist of 296 0.15 mm diameter wires, each wire is made of high purity Crystal OFC Copper covered with a dense layer of pure Silver. In addition to the OFC Copper and Silver, conductive Carbon Fibre is also present in the cable. The two conductors are covered with an extra screen of conductive Carbon (Linear Structured Carbon), which improves signal passage and transforms the magnetic fields produced by the cable back into an audio signal.

  • Outer diameter dimensions: 21 x 6.5 mm
  • Resistance 20 °C: 0.34 Ohm/100 m.
  • Capacity: 32.5 pF/m.
  • Dielectrics: HULLIFLEX
  • Voltage: 3 / 300 Vrms min