ANALOGIS BRUSH 2 - Antistatic Brush

Antistatic velvet and carbon fibre brush for LP | Dry cleaning

Prezzo più basso negli ultimi 30gg : € 17
Special Price € 17,00
(IVA incl.)
Regular Price € 21,50
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Super Exstatic Antistatic Velour and Carbon Fibre Brush for Vinyl Dry Cleaning

The Super Exstatic is a dry vinyl cleaning brush that combines two rows of carbon fibres with a velvet cartridge.

It is a highly effective solution to the problem of dust and residue accumulating in grooves. The carbon fibres combined with a soft, wide velvet cartridge, remove all residues in a single pass.

The carbon fibres are positioned on the outside, while on the inside the velour cartridge acts, leaving the grooves free of dust and prolonging the life of both disc and stylus.
The Super Exstatic brush works excellently in reducing noise during listening. By applying the brush to the LP before and after each play, dirt and dust disappear, and the electrostatic charge is also reduced.

Place the record on the platter and, while applying the brush without applying any special pressure, bring the brush towards the outside of the record within 2 or 3 turns. That's it! Both the carbon fibres and the velvet cartridge come into contact with the surface of the disc, removing any residue. The operation is quick and easy, and will be crucial in keeping your vinyl record collection perfectly preserved.